august market menu

Always lots of choice for perfect summery fruit and veg in August, from stone fruits to soft local berries, juicy, sweet tomatoes then to boxes of mixed early autumnal squashes by the end of the month.

We expect to see Spanish Victoria plums at the beginning of the month, followed by English in the third or fourth week. Also, we should see the super flavoursome French Greengages.

New Bramley’s make their first appearance and the English Dessert Apple scene begins to take shape. New Season Golden Delicious arrive from France towards month end.

Peaches and Nectarines are at the top of their game, but Apricots begin to disappear towards the end of the month. Flat Peaches and Nectarines should still also be of good quality and flavour.

English Cherries start off being amazing quality but they do begin to decline in quality towards the end of August and could be finished by the end of the month.

Local Strawberries and Raspberries from New Home Farm, In Ardleigh, Essex have been top quality again this year and should continue to be. Their Blueberries will continue throughout August but will most likely be gone by the end month.

English Sweetcorn will appear this month. They will be super sweet as always and way better than the off season imported ears. Always a crowd pleaser on any menu.

Broad Beans should be a good buy and English Runner Beans become excellent value for money as are Fresh Peas.

Broccoli and all other brassicas are at the mercy of the weather. The recent heatwave hasn’t done any favours for the English crop of broccoli, so expect prices to rise slightly. Cauliflowers in the summer tend to be smaller than the winter varieties and can be discoloured.

The month ends on an exciting veg note with the arrival of the English Squashes. Such a wide selection become available, Acorn, Gem, Harlequin, Crown Prince, Spaghetti, plus many more!

Rosevale Red-Skinned Mids are set to return for another season. They’re at their best in August. Jersey Royals will fade, but English Mids will be plentiful. Larger New Potatoes will begin to set their skins.

Pomegranates are a good choice for summery salads, sauces, and dressings.

You can’t go wrong with stunning English grown mixed Heritage Tomatoes from Westlands (3 Kg Box). They will add amazing colour and loads of flavour to plate.

Another great product are Courgette Flowers (ONLY SOLD BY THE BOX) which can be stuffed with a variety of things, then tempura battered and deep fried.

Peppers represent good value and will have developed good flavour. Even the Dutch crops are often reasonably priced.

Parsnips, Turnips, and Carrots become much more plentiful and therefore better value for money.

English salad growers have not yet mastered the art of growing good Frisee, so we continue with beautiful white hearted French heads.

Cavalo Nero (AKA Black Cabbage) is now in stock and looking good. Crop will continue to gain in quality and is a great side dish alternative.

Bright green early Kent Cob Nuts are the first nuts of autumn. They’re beautiful enough to decorate fruit bowls, and cheeseboards and they have a deliciously creamy fresh taste. Try them roasted, chopped into salads or pounded into sauces.

If you are looking an amazing butter for your bread boards give Bungay Raw Butter a go. Using the milk from warm grass-fed Montbeliarde dairy cows, a lactic bacteria is then added which is what helps give it such depth of flavour. It is made by hand on the farm, using a time-honored traditional method of churning and hand-paddling with traditional scotch ‘butter hands’ made from wood. Available in 200g rolls or 1kg slabs.